Cobas b 221


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  • Model / Serial
    Model/Catalog/Part #: 1. cobas b221 <6>=Roche OMNI S6 SYSTEM; and 2. 03337154692 - cobas b 221<6>=Roche OMNI S6 SYSTEM CU Potassium - CEM, Calcium - JFP, Sodium - JGS, Chloride - CGZ, Blood Gases (PCO2, PO2) and pH - CHL, Hemoglobin -GKR, Hematocrit - GKF, Oxygen saturation, Carboxyhemoglobin - GHS, Oxyhemoglobin - GGZ, Methemoglobin - KHG, Deoxyhemoglobin - GKA, Lactic Acid - KHP, Glucose- CGA, Urea Nitrogen - CDS.
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    US Nationwide distribution.
  • Product Description
    Cobas b 221 (versions 5 and 6) Blood Gas and Electrolytes Analyzer
  • Manufacturer
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