Total Hip Replacement System

  • Model / Serial
    BIOLOX delta, all lots.
  • Product Description
    The total CORIN hip replacement system is indicated for total hip arthroplasty, using a cementless fixation technique, to provide the patient with increased mobility and reduce pain, replacing the damaged hip joint where there is evidence of enough bone to seat and support the components.It is indicated for non-inflammatory degenerative disease including bone arthritis and non-vascular necrosis, arthritis, rheumatism, correction of functional deformity, non-union treatment, femoral neck and proximal deltrochanter fractures of the femur.
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


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  • Model / Serial
    Birmingham Hip Modular Head (BHMH) (component of MoM total hip replacement systems)BHMH 38MM~62MM (Sleeved) Catalogue Numbers: 74222138 to 7422216212/14 Modular Taper Sleeve Catalogue Numbers: 74222100, 74222200, 74222300, 74222400All batches/lotsARTG Number: 124100
  • Manufacturer