Immunoassay Analyzer

  • Model / Serial
    1000, 2000 and 2000Xpi concerning the cup holders and micromesh inserts part number 10385360, || 10385319 and 10385209.
  • Product Description
    This equipment is an automated analyzer for continuous random access chemiluminescence immunoassay tests. Use urine, serum or plasma samples for in-vitro diagnostic tests (IVD). It reports values of the tests and communicates the clinical results of the patient.
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  • 1 Event


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  • Model / Serial
  • Product Description
    The ADVIA CENTAUR XPT SYSTEM is an automated analyzer instrument for continuous random access continuous chemiluminescence immunoassay testing. Use of urine, serum or plasma samples for in vitro diagnostic tests (IVD) of the groups of trials include those of fertility, thyroid function, oncology, cardiovascular, anemia, determination of therapeutic drugs, infectious diseases, allergy, adrenal and metabolic function. It is in automated system that reports the values of the tests and communicates the results of clinical of the patient. XPT system is of high efficiency and performance for specialized and routine tests in the clinical laboratory.
  • Manufacturer
  • Model / Serial
    CENTAUR XPT, software version 1.3
  • Product Description
    The ADVIA CENTAUR XPT SYSTEM is an automated analyzer instrument for direct chemi-luminescence continuous random access immunoassay testing. Uses urine samples, oplasm serum for in vitro diagnostic tests (IVD) of the test groups include those of fertility, thyroid function, oncology, cardiovascular, anemia, determination of therapeutic drugs, infectious diseases, allergy, adrenal and metabolic function. It is an automated system that reports the values of the tests and reports results of the patient's clinics. XPT system is high efficiency and performance for specialized tests and routine in the clinical laboratory.
  • Manufacturer
  • Model / Serial
    Model: , Affected: Ambient storage conditions for on-board test cartridges
  • Manufacturer
  • Model / Serial
    Not applicable
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    US Nationwide Distribution
  • Product Description
    cobas e411 Immunoassay Analyzer || e411: Immunoassay Analyzer || Product Usage: || The cobas p501/p701 instrument stores primary and secondary sample tubes. The tubes are stored in a controlled, refrigerated sample store. Automatic retrieval for add-on testing is possible at any time. Expired samples are disposed of automatically when their storage time has elapsed. The instrument is intended as accessory for diagnostic use.
  • Manufacturer
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