This integrated system is designed to ensure that the parameters required for a wide range of radiotherapy techniques and advanced applications are easily achieved.
AXESSE, SYNERGY and INFINITY, MONACO software version v5.11 and 5.20, specific serials.
Product Description
This integrated system is designed to ensure that the parameters required for a wide range of radiotherapy techniques and advanced applications are easily achieved.
AXESSE, SYNERGY and INFINITY, MONACO software version v3.1 and later, specific serials.
Product Description
This integrated system is designed to ensure that the parameters required for a wide range of radiotherapy techniques and advanced applications are easily achieved.
AXESSE, PRECISE and INFINITY, MONACO v5.0 software version and those that import data from TC cuts with || Z DICOM coordinates in xx, x50 mm, specific serials.
Product Description
This integrated system is designed to ensure that the parameters required for a wide range of radiotherapy techniques and advanced applications are easily achieved.
This integrated system is designed to ensure that the parameters required for a wide range of radiotherapy techniques and advanced applications are easily achieved.