Rectal catheter


6 devices with a similar name

Learn more about the data here

  • Model / Serial
    Batch Numbers: 13DE17 13EE22 13FE24 13FE26 13GE28 13GE29 13GE31 13KE47 13LE49 14AE03 14AE04 14FE25 14GE27 14HE32 14HE33 14HE35 14IE37 14IE38 14LE49 15AE05 15BE08 15CE13 15DE15 15DE16 15DE17 15DE18 15FE23 15FE25 15FE26 15GE27 15GE28 15GE29 15GE30 15HE32
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    US Nationwide Distribution
  • Product Description
    Rectal Catheters; || Product Code Equivalent Code || 580114 580114 || Product Usage: || Rectal Balloon Catheter is inserted into the rectum to measure the abdominal pressure as bladder filled.
  • Manufacturer
  • Model / Serial
  • Product Description
    Disposable products
  • Manufacturer
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