Inflation Device


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  • Model / Serial
    Lot Number 15125173
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    Nationwide Distribution to MD, NY, and IL
  • Product Description
    DeRoyal(R) Dolphin Inflation Device, REF 0185ND, Rx Only, STERILE EO, || Dolphin is an inflation device indicated during angioplasty procedures to inflate and deflate the balloon catheter, and control pressure.
  • Manufacturer
  • Model / Serial
    Serial Numbers: (a) 19563006, 19587644, 19623142, 19650458, 19704550, 19725489, 19769215, 20054530, 20077271, 20083051, 20127928, 20159518, 20202728, 20206930, 20242335, 20285571, 20309573, 20309574, 20336380, 20394218, 20423644, 20423645, 20456071, 20481170, 20534557  (b) 19640750, 19667072, 19704551, 19755302, 19755307, 19785021, 19808183, 20030825, 20060033, 20087896, 20117909, 20159601, 20171449, 20206929, 20233700, 20256035, 20279769, 20303751, 20336385, 20336386, 20364928, 20364929, 20364930, 20423650, 20472532, 20493563, 20507373, 20534581  (c) 20157078, 19623019, 19755304, 20056496, 20146417, 20264032, 20456079  (d) 19594194, 19717352, 19808180, 20121252, 20223176, 20336387, 20394350, 20534582
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
  • Product Description
    Encore(TM) 26 Inflation Device, REF Catalog Nos.: (a) H74904526011, (b) M001151050, (c) M00566670, (d) M0067101140
  • Manufacturer
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