biolox option


7 devices with a similar name

Learn more about the data here

  • Model / Serial
  • Product Description
  • Manufacturer
  • Model / Serial
    All reference numbers: 00-8777-028-01, 00-8777-028-02, 00-8777-028-03, 00-8777-028-04, 00-8777-032-01, 00-8777-032-02, 00-8777-032-03, 00-8777-032-04, 00-8777-036-01, 00-8777-036-02, 00-8777-036-03, 00-8777-036-04, 00-8777-040-01, 00-8777-040-02, 00-8777-040-03, 00-8777-040-04, 00-8778-028-01, 00-8778-028-02, 00-8778-028-03, 00-8778-032-01, 00-8778-032-02, 00-8778-032-03, 00-8778-036-01, 00-8778-036-02,00-8778-036-03, 00-8778-040-01, 00-8778-040-02, 00-8778-040-03
  • Product Description
    Hip prosthesis, internal, femoral component.
  • Manufacturer
  • Model / Serial
    see FSN
  • Product Description
    MD: Hip prosthesis, internal, femoral component
  • Manufacturer
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