• Model / Serial
    Model Catalog: 408 500 000 (Lot serial: >1000 contact mfg); Model Catalog: 408 400 000 (Lot serial: >1000 contact mfg); Model Catalog: 408 300 000 (Lot serial: >1000 contact mfg); Model Catalog: 408 500 000 (Lot serial: -see West Care #); Model Catalog: 408 400 000 (Lot serial: -see West Care #); Model Catalog: 408 300 000 (Lot serial: -see West Care #); Model Catalog: 408 500 000 (Lot serial: 1810863 and lower); Model Catalog: 408 400 000 (Lot serial: 1810863 and lower); Model Catalog: 408 300 000 (Lot serial: 1810863 and lower); Model Catalog: 408 500 000 (Lot serial: 1790075 and lower); Model Catalog: 408 400 000 (Lot serial: 1790075 and lower); Model Catalog: 408 300 000 (Lot serial: 1790075 and lower); Model Catalog: 408 500 000 (Lot serial: except 177996617822391795914); Model Catalog: 408 400 000 (Lot serial: except 177996617822391795914); Model Catalog: 408 300 000 (Lot serial: except 177996617822391795914); Model Catalog: 408 500 000 (Lot serial: 1808911 and lower); Model Catalog: 408 400 000 (Lot s
  • Product Description
    Ambu AuraGain Laryngeal Mask
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


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  • Model / Serial
  • Product Description
  • Manufacturer
  • Model / Serial
    Catalog Number:408300000  Size #3:All lots from 1632796 through lot number 1808911except lot number 1779966,1782239, 1795914   Catalog Number: 408400000 Size #4 All lots from 1632799 through lot number 1790075.   Catalog Number:408500000 Size #5 All lots from 1632802 through lot number 1810863.
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    Please see attached consignee list
  • Product Description
    Ambu, Aura Gain - Single Use Laryngeal Mask- Sterile || for use as an alternative to a face mask for achieving and maintaining control of the airway during routine emergency anesthetic procedures.
  • Manufacturer
  • Model / Serial
    Catalog Number: 408 300 000 408 400 000 408 500 000 Model Number: Size #3 Size #4 Size #5 Batch Number: 408300000 Size #3:All lots through lot number 1790072 (including this number and lower), except lot number 1756844, 1758852, 1768981, 1771564, 1774137, 1785130, 1787754 408400000 Size #4: All lots through lot number 1810862 (including this number and lower), except lot number 1804456 408500000 Size #5: All lots through lot number 1774140 (including this number and lower), except lot number 1732626 and 1745421
  • Product Description
    Anesthetic and respiratory medical devices
  • Manufacturer
  • Model / Serial
  • Product Description
  • Manufacturer
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