These instruments are intended to provide an ultrasonic and optical visualization of the pulmonary tracts (through a video monitor), for therapeutic access of the pulmonary tract. Which includes (without limitation) organs, tissues and subsystems, in addition to the trachea and bronchial tree beyond the stem. Endoscopy for visualization of organs and body cavities of the lower respiratory system.
3231, 3241, 3251, 3361, 3341, 3411, 3431, all batches.
Product Description
The tips and the RENEW handpiece are indicated for cutting, grasping, dissecting and coagulating tissues in endoscopic and laparoscopic surgical procedures.
Pentax Video Bronchoscope || Designed to be used with a Pentax Video Processor (including light source), documentation equipment, video monitor, endo-therapy accessories (such as biopsy forceps) and other ancillary equipment for endoscopy and endoscopic surgery within the airways and tracheobronchial tree.